Creating a Collaborative Environment with Integrated Workplace Technology
This is the privacy statement for Chameleon Business Interiors. Please read it carefully. You should only use this site and complete our Contact Form if you agree to our use of information about you in accordance with this privacy statement. Protecting your personal data. We’re committed to protecting you and your family’s personal data and information. This policy applies to any personal information or “personal data” that we collect from you. It covers how we:
Please read this policy carefully. By using any of our websites, and any services we offer via our websites, you are agreeing to the processing of your data as set out below. We sometimes use your data to provide additional marketing services but you can always opt-out. For more information, see section 6 Contacting you for marketing purposes below.
The Chameleon Business Interiors Ltd website is operated by a third party on Chameleon’s behalf. The Chameleon Business Interiors Ltd website has a separate privacy policy.
We are committed to safeguarding your personal information and we comply with all data protection laws including:
Any regulations made under or to supplement either of the above, relating to the personal information that we collect about you.
We may collect personal information when you:
If you request information from us with a view to entering into a transaction with us.
This may include for example your:
As well as information about:
This policy also covers our use of any of your personal information, whether provided to us in person, over the phone, via email, SMS or any social messaging, via website forms, or in other correspondence.
Queries via social media
Our social media pages, such as Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram, are monitored by Chameleon Business Interiors Ltd.
We pass any customer queries, questions or complaints onto the most appropriate person in our team, so that we can respond accordingly.
IP addresses
If you contact us online, we may monitor the type of device used by you. This may include specific identification, such as your IP address².
Call monitoring
We also record calls for training, monitoring and quality purposes to and from our Customer Services Helpline.
We do not sell customer’s personal data to third parties and will only use your personal information to provide you with details of our own products or services which we believe will be of interest to you. In addition, we may use your information to:
We may contact you:
We will only contact you for marketing purposes, via email, SMS or phone, if you have agreed to this or where you have requested a service from us and not opted out. You can easily unsubscribe from any of those sources at any time.
Information emails/SMS/phone calls
We offer regular information by emails, telephone and SMS communications concerning our services.
Tailoring our service to you
We may personalise our communications with you based on the information you provide to us and the information we obtain when you use our platforms.
Third parties
We do not allow the information we hold about you to be used for advertising purposes or contact from third parties.
Your information will be kept private and confidential, except where we are obliged/permitted to share it with third parties by law (e.g. Government bodies, law enforcement agencies and similar).
We will retain your information within our group of companies, except:
Keeping you in the know
When you enter into a contract with us, we will set out, as comprehensively as possible, the purposes for which we may use your personal information in order to fulfil our contract with you and address any issues relating to our performance.
Destroying data
Whilst not sharing your personal information, we may use suitable and accredited third-party organisations specifically for the purpose of destroying or deleting any personal data.
If you are under the age of 18, you should obtain your parents’ or guardians’ permission before you contact us. It is unlikely that we will be in a position to provide you with any information which may assist you, or be relevant to you, until you reach the age of 18 – this is simply because of the nature of the legal obligations you will enter into when using our services.
This is dependent upon its purpose, or the amount of time set out in the contract you enter into with us.
If you contact us: If you get in touch regarding any of the services we provide – whether we receive such contact directly from you or via a third party – we will retain your personal information until whichever of the below happens first:
We will use all reasonable efforts to delete (aside from the note of your request to be deleted) all information in our possession which constitutes, in our reasonable opinion, personal data belonging to you.
Deletion of personal data “Right to be forgotten”
It is your right to request the deletion of your personal data from our records, except (as explained above) if it is necessary for us to perform our legal obligations or contractual obligations to you or another third party.
Keeping your details accurate
You have the right to ask us to rectify any personal data we hold about you which is inaccurate or incomplete.
Sending a request
A request for the deletion or correction of personal data should be addressed to the Office Manager at Chameleon Business Interiors Ltd at our registered office, or by email to info@c-b-i.co.ukPlease note that while we always strive to comply with any requests you make, we cannot guarantee to action any request for the deletion or rectification of your personal data if it is not made using the method outlined above.
What do we do?
Within reason, we will aim to make anonymous and/or delete any of the personal data which we hold in relation to you. It is in the nature of digital or computer records that we cannot guarantee that every trace or record of your personal data will be removed, but we will delete it as far as it is reasonably possible for us to do so.
Third-party platforms
If you wish to be deleted from or want to ensure your details are accurate with any third-party owned platform, you will need to contact them directly. These third party websites have their own privacy policies, and are also likely to use cookies, and we, therefore, advise you to review them.
Under the GDPR, you have the right to request a copy of any personal information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. Whilst no fee is charged, we may require you to prove your identity (with two documents of approved identification) before searching our records. At the present time, the information will be provided to you within one month from the date the request was received.Please note, if we have previously established your identity and it matches the information you provide, this may be sufficient for the purposes of actioning your request. If you have not previously provided us with identification, then we may require you to provide copy documentation of the examples listed above in order to process your request.
Any questions?
So that we avoid any delays to your application, please address any questions concerning our privacy and cookies policy to the Office Manager at the registered office of Chameleon Business Interiors Ltd set out below or using the email address provided in this policy.
Depending upon your location, different privacy rules may apply as a matter of law. These are presently harmonised within the EU, but you should note that any personal information that we use or process is done so in accordance with the law applicable in England, Wales or Scotland, as appropriate.
What is a cookie?
A cookie contains a small amount of data and (typically) a unique identifier. When you access any of our websites or platforms (or those of third-party providers) a cookie will be sent to your device. The cookie records information about your online preferences and therefore allows us to tailor our websites and any contact with you to your specific interests.
Why do we use cookies?
The information we obtain by monitoring all visits to our websites enables us to improve, through anonymous analysis, our services to our customers and visitors. Many websites use cookies in order to see whether a device has visited the website before. Any repeat visit is verified by finding the cookie left previously. By using cookies in this way, we can provide a better and more personal user experience. It also enables us to recognise whether you have already signed up to receive information from us – thus avoiding duplication. Your web browser may also provide us with information concerning your device, such as an IP address or details about the browser you are using. For example, if you are looking at a specific location or property, we may use your location to ensure that any web pages or communications are tailored to you. Please note, you are able to change your cookies settings to control access to any device you are using.
Information about other websites
We cannot control any information concerning websites other than those operated by us. You must refer to those websites for their terms and conditions and privacy policies.
We may make changes and update our privacy and cookies policy from time to time and in accordance with the updated legislation. Any such changes will be shown here as part of our privacy and cookies policy and will apply from the date that they are published. We are unable to contact you directly to inform you of these changes, other than in response to a specific request made to our Office Manager as referred to above.
Any contact you wish to make with us concerning this policy or how it works in practice should be directed to the Office Manager. Please either write using the email address provided, or via post to our registered office:
Chameleon Business Interiors
2 Humber Quays
Island Wharf
¹ Platforms are the means by which we establish digital contact, including websites operated by us.
² IP addresses are specific to any device used. This could be a laptop computer, tablet or phone.c-b-i.co.uk | info@c-b-i.co.uk | 01482 221004