Why are collaboration space designs important?
What do you think is more inspiring – a windowless, magnolia conference room or a vibrant space with lots of natural lighting and plants? The vibrant space wins every time!
Collaboration space designs are absolutely vital as it impacts employees’ productivity, efficiency and overall output. When most businesses rely so heavily on collaboration, innovation and problem solving, it is essential that teams are supported to collaborate to the best of their ability. It will also support your staff to feel more satisfied with their job and the company they work for as well as influence personal and professional development.
We at Chameleon Business Interiors work with businesses to create people inspired workspaces that are well-design and stimulating and are powerful tools to help businesses attract, motivate and improve the wellbeing of their employees.
Collaboration Space Design Ideas
Below are some of our top spaces that we have designed and built creating engaging, useful and motivated spaces for our clients and their employees.
1. Ideagen – Coffee Lounge
2. C4DI Treadmills – Comfort Spaces
3. Savills – Private Booths
4. Victory Leisure Homes – Kitchenette Spaces